Sat. May 4th, 2024

Awakened from his slumber, Nikolai opened his eyes and looked to his right. Through his gaze, he noticed that his right arm was unable to move, having been handcuffed to a stairway. As Nikolai turned his head, he noticed that he was near a police station. Based on the light shining down from the station, the time was a quarter to noon.

“Oh, you are awake,” said a familiar voice.

Upon hearing these words, Nikolai looked straight and saw the stranger.

“Who are you and why have me chained?” asked Nikolai.

“If you want to know who I am, my name is Donald Trotsky, but people call me The Cold Time Watcher. Based on where you are sitting, I believe your time in America is up. People that wear red attire should not even be in this beloved country.”

“What do you want from me, Donald?”

Donald walked up to Nikolai and dropped an envelope on Nikolai’s lap.

“I want complete eradication of Commies from America, and for me to do that, I will do everything in my power to do just that. Whether that be falsifying information or resort to ulterior measures.”

Donald then turned away from Nikolai and walked off with no care in the world. Nikolai turned to look at the enormous envelope that was left. Upon appearance, the envelope was written to the Chicago Police and based on the size of the envelope, it was falsified evidence to convict Nikolai.

“I cannot believe this is happening to me,” thought Nikolai. “My only wish was to become famous like James Dean and live the rest of my life achieving this American Dream.”

Eventually, two policemen showed up,uncuffed Nikolai from the stairway, and then ushered him into a holding cell for questioning. Nikolai knew that there was no questioning from the police because he knew that they planned to put him in prison based on the evidence that was on his person.      

As day turned to night at his holding cell, Nikolai thought about his mother and father and pondered if he would ever see them again. 

Weeks passed without bail, for no one wanted to release  an alleged Communist during election day. 

By the time it was after Election day, someone finally decided to come to Nikolai’s bail.

When Nikolai got out of jail, he noticed to his left a man with sunglasses looking at him smiling.

“I got a proposition for you, Nikolai,” said the shaded figure.

Remembering what happened to him before, Nikolai was hesitant to provide an answer and decided to go on the defense.

“Sorry, sir, but I need to go home. You see, I am not a Chicago resident but a Pennsylvanian resident.”

“Alright then, but take this in case you want to know more.” The shaded man then gave Nikolai a piece of marked paper. As he did so, the shaded man suddenly disappeared.

Nicholas Bartelmo is a fourth-year History major.

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