Sat. May 4th, 2024

Creativity is somewhat of a uniquely human characteristic. Our brain has an immense capacity to think of magnificent things and then show us the instructions as to how to bring those things into reality — though sometimes it feels like we just run out of all creative thoughts, wondering how to spark our imagination again. This article will focus on what creativity is, what it means and how to keep it alive within you.

To be creative is to pour your thoughts onto a page and to then look onto that page, seeing all that has manifested from your mind. It is not an easy task, yet we do it constantly. We are always thinking, creating new stories in our minds and characters to live out those stories. Our experiences mesh with our thoughts, creating new possibilities of what could be.

Creativity is not just about creating art; it is an essential tool in all areas of life. It is just as possible and important to use creativity to come up with a creative economic solution as it is when making a poem.

Taking an already existing object or idea, changing some aspects of it and making it your own is an extension of creative thought. Mostly everything we think about or create is just a built-upon version of what already exists. Human society is built on the foundation of improvement of the last thing; it is how we grow. So, the idea of gaining inspiration from others and objects, and having a muse, is not a far-off idea.

However, we sometimes struggle with generating creative thoughts. It could be due to our surroundings, or we feel we have built upon all we know. One way to stay creative is to continuously learn, as the more you take in, the more you can reference from and build upon in your mind. See new things, experience new people and join groups unrelated to what you mainly study. By diversifying your inputs in terms of external interactions, you will be able to output more.

It is no wonder why immigrants to the United States are often entrepreneurs. Their outside and culturally different experiences help them create services and/or products unheard of in the U.S. currently.

One of the largest factors towards the output or generation of creativity and creative thoughts comes from within. Motivation is key to pursuing many short term goals, but if concentrated within, long-term success can be possible.

In a University of Pennsylvania article, it is stated that “Past research … has shown that individuals who are intrinsically motivated tend to be more creative. In other words, individuals who engage in creative activities for the sake of the activities themselves (and not for the sake of extrinsic constraints of rewards) are better able to come up with original and valuable ideas.”

Creativity comes down to us and our own motivations. Should we choose to engage in activities for prospective gains, we internally lose out. If instead we do something just because we want to, then we in turn gain a reward within ourselves. So, seek to do what you want to do for fulfillment, not recognition.

As a whole, creative thoughts are able to be mustered from within because of our personal stock of knowledge. The more you know, the more mental possibilities you open up to yourself, leading to a lower likelihood of losing creative output. Creativity is imperative across all subject matters and is sustained through personal curiosity.

Evan Brooks is a third-year Business Management major with minors in Economics and Civil and Professional Leadership.

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