Sun. Apr 28th, 2024

It doesn’t take much time on campus to realize what a rich history West Chester University holds. From Ruby Jones Hall’s involvement in the underground railroad, to Frederick Douglass giving his final speech on our grounds, to the establishment of Greek life at West Chester, to witnessing our athletes pursue greatness, to a mere explosion in student population, West Chester is rich with fascinating stories of bravery, triumph and success.

No other document better captures the life of a community than its newspaper. Journalism mediates the people and their governing bodies, tells the story of the underdog and exposes the bad in order to pursue the good. It’s one of the reasons why week in and week out so many students devote their time and efforts to practice this craft.

Therefore, I’m proud to introduce a new column of the Features section, where we’ll be showcasing old articles from the past that tell the story of WCU. How different (or similar) was the life of a college student 50 years ago?

The FHG library archived all of West Chester’s student newspapers through 2011 (2012 onward, consult Student publications date as far back as 1892, when it was dubbed The Amulet. This publication reads more like a literary gazette.

In 1924, students began publishing a regular newspaper titled The Green Stone (named after the Serpentine stone used to construct many of the original buildings on campus. If you had Dr. Art Smith for Geology 101, you should know this).

In 1932, the name changed to The Quad Angles and in 1975, “Angles” was dropped to what we now know as The Quad.

To kick it off, here is a piece on dorm decor from February 24, 1960. Nothing has changed!

Amanda Mills is a fourth-year student majoring in political science.


Spotlight On: Dormitory Room
By John Manno

What’s that? Still complaining about the dilapidated condition of your dormitory room? Don’t moan. Do something about it! A recent investigation by QUAD reporters reveals that many students have used their decorative ingenuity to brighten up the four walls that serve as their campus home.

Acquire Collegiate Look: Seniors, Bob Runyan and Mike Halloran brought their old pennant collection on campus to produce a collegiate effect for their third floor room in Wayne Hall. In all, 24 banners of various schools and athletic teams make the walls not only colorful but interesting as well. A nick-nack board covering the greater part of one wall was found to be an original and successful idea. Another not too original, but homey Room addition by the boys is a portable TV.

Mix Art with Furnishings: Final touches were put on room 304 of Main Dorm by Bonnie Baker and “roomie” Kate Quinn. Bonnie, whose father deals in paintings, supplied the room with various masterpieces done by standard and up to date artists while Kate, whose family operates a furniture store, added fine furnishings ranging from wall to wall carpeting to floor length draw drapes.

Many other campus residents have also discovered that there are literally heaps of new ways to make dorm life interesting from a decorative standpoint. All in all, it just goes to prove the old saying, “It’s what ya do with what ya got.”

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