Sat. May 4th, 2024

While sitting in your dorm freshman year, planning out your schedule and buying textbooks, you’d probably think that graduation day would never come. Fast forward a few semesters, a few summers and relaxing month-long winter breaks and here you are, graduation.

As I approach finals, my graduation date and getting ready to become a “real person,” as some might say, I can’t help but reflect on a few of the many things the eight semesters here at West Chester University have taught me.

The first of those is time management. If it weren’t for the six classes I took each semester, the part time job, or the social life I tried to balance, I would have never learned the time management skills that I’ve learned today. Being able to look at a packed syllabus and plan out when each and every project will fit into my busy schedule is a skill that I can proudly say I have perfected.

Second, study skills are important. Though I don’t like to admit it, I did not truly know how to study until coming to WCU. In high school, I got by with just doing my homework and paying attention in class. Though the professors here do an amazing job at preparing you during class time, that just doesn’t cut it in college. Each semester of midterm and final exams, I found myself grasping study skills better and better. It takes time, but once I found what was right for me, I was acing my exams and enjoying the material much more.

Third, try and find a balance between work and life. College gives you a full plate. It throws you 11 hours of daylight, seven hours of sleep (if you’re lucky) and says, “Balance everything.” This idea applies to schoolwork, friends, a part time job, staying active, and of course, endless Netflix series. Being faced with a full schedule each semester of my time here at WCU, I had no choice but to find a groove and balance all aspects of my life. I found a way that works best for me: to-do lists. I make a list for everything. My lists are in order by priority (assignments due this week at top, friends’ get-togethers next). By following my list, I am organized and sure to not miss a birthday or homework assignment.

Finally, relax. Despite the many things we college students have to do, we must remember to save time for ourselves. Taking a break every day is important for success. This whole relaxing idea was always foreign to me, as I never knew how to sit still for more than five minutes. As basic as it sounds, getting to class ten minutes early and having a seat on one of the many benches in the quad will suffice as relaxation time. Learning how important this time is will be the best thing you can do for yourself.

So, as you stress about final exams, projects, papers and moving out, always remember why you are here. WCU is a great building block to creating a future that you can be proud of. Stay ahead of the game and prepare for your exams. When finals are done, you can enjoy summer break with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Carly Feldman is a fourth-year student majoring in communication studies with a minor in journalism. She can be reached at

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