Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

On Apr. 1, the English department will be hosting a “What Can You Do with an English Degree?” panel.  This will take place from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Philips Autograph Library.

The career panel will feature graduates of WCU who majored in English.  They will explain how majoring in English can lead to successful careers.  Students will also be given the ability to network with alumni professionals from various careers.

Panels like these remain highly important for illustrating the vital role of the humanities in our society.  With a huge focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) careers, it is important to remember the significance of the humanities.

By majoring in English, history, philosophy, and other fields in the humanities, students learn reasoning and critical thinking skills that can be transferred to the work place.  With the ability to read, write, and think critically at a high level, English majors find success in a multitude of careers.  This includes successful careers in law, public relations, radio, business writing, management, advertising, marketing, television, film, creative writing, publishing, teaching, journalism, and many more.

At a recent World Economic Forum, the co-chairman of the well-known private equity firm The Carlyle Group, Mr. David Rubenstein, spoke to the importance of majoring in the humanities.  This was highly unusual, as there is generally a high focus on STEM fields at the conference. “You shouldn’t enter college worried about what you will do when you exit,” said Rubenstein.

With such pressure to major in careers that result in high pay, this type of advice can be difficult for English majors to embrace.  Majoring in the humanities, however, often results in highly successful careers.

The “What Can You Do with an English Degree?” panel is hosted by the English department and the Twardowski Career Center.  It will show West Chester University students majoring in English the many paths their future can take.  All students are invited to attend.

Theresa Kelly is a second year student majoring in English literature secondary education.  She can be reached at

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