Wed. May 1st, 2024

To the Editor:

The article “Don’t Extinguish the Torch”, from the Apr. 14 issue of The Quad, displays what I believe to be an inverted set of values. Too bad for the poor Americans, it says, who were not able to enjoy the torch running. Is that really the important issue, or is it the human rights abuses by China? What is the real travesty – abuses of human rights or people (who the article calls “bad apples”) standing up on behalf of the victims of those abuses? The torch relay, being subject to worldwide publicity, is an opportunity to raise awareness and express disapproval for the situations in Tibet and Sudan. But according to the article, this tarnishes the sacred Olympic spirit, symbolic of peace, hope, etc. That is to say, it is important above all to feign unity in order to play some games; therefore we must refrain from crying out against actual injustices causing actual suffering in people’s real lives.

Tony White

WCU Graduate Student

To the Editor:

It is admirable that the Honors College has mobilized the consciousness and the conscience of the community to see something of what is going on in one of the many other places in the world. Truly, this is part of what every institution of higher learning should see as part of its educational mission. While it seems you and they have a full plate of activities already, let me suggest one more that might catch your attention. Global Camps Africa is using camp as a vehicle for HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention in South Africa.??By giving children and youth (3,300 in 4 years) the best time of their lives and lacing it with a steady and relentless educational component of prevention and awareness, Camp Sizanani has been the largest prevention mechanism in the Soweto community. As there are 6 camps a year, it provides an opportunity for volunteers to come from WCU and other places to give two weeks in working directly with children affected by HIV/AIDS. Sparrow Village, which you already support, has sent children to camp. If volunteering doesn’t work out, toiletries, children’s shoes and cash are also appreciated.??

Phil Lilienthal

President?Global Camps Africa?

To the Editor:

Senator Obama often repeats that he is the candidate for change, but what has he done to work for change? Why are most of his political endorsements coming from Washington insiders? In addition, he appears to mimic the candidacy of Senator Clinton in spirit, but not with substance. Perhaps, given more time and experience, he would emerge as a fine statesperson. But all that has changed since the recent revelations of his twenty-year relationship with Pastor Jeremiah Wright. It is very troubling to realize the influence Wright has had on Obama when it comes to the pastor’s anti-American racist beliefs. Any reasonable person would have discontinued this relationship if they did not concur with these views. Senator Obama will only add to the racial divide in this country. Furthermore, his latest comments about the “bitter small-town Pennsylvanians” are in fact “elitist,” “demeaning” and “out of touch”. Consequently, at this most crucial moment in history, our country cannot afford to gamble again with someone who is simply not prepared to take on the enormous responsibilities of Commander-In-Chief.

On the other hand, Senator Clinton has spent her whole life working for change. She truly cares about our country. Given the current state of our economy, she may very well represent the last chance for this country to avoid social catastrophe. Her lengthy public-service experience has more than prepared her for the presidency. It is the very reason why the powers-that-be are so opposed to her candidacy. It is why some of her primary opponents’ donors are part of this opposition. Senator Clinton knows we can do better and her track record reflects that. On Tuesday, April 22, Pennsylvania needs to support Senator Hillary Clinton for president and help get our country back on track.

Joe Bialek

Cleveland, Ohio

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