Thu. May 9th, 2024

The Student Activities Council provided WCU students with a program much different than what it usually organizes this past week. As a part of its new lecture series, SAC brought Mate Smart, a program about the affects of birth order on a person’s life. Held on Monday, Nov. 30 in Sykes Theatre, Mate Smart was facilitated by Mr. William Cane. Cane is an expert on birth order, having done a lot of research on the topic and written extensively on how siblings affect a person’s personality, which includes his book “Birth Order of Love.” His documentary on siblings was featured on the ABC television network. Additionally, his research has been presented in magazines and newspapers such as Glamour, Elle and The Washington Post.

Based on 30 years of research, the show consists of a slide presentation in which the audience learns why some people are just more compatible for people than others based on their birth order. Cane also explains how birth order affects the careers that people choose.

Cane argues that the siblings a person grows up with have a permanent impact on his or her personality. In fact, birth order is the No. 1 predictor of personality. Siblings can help shape who people are more than any other environmental factor. While there is some support for such theories as “opposites attract” and “like attracts like,” the evidence that supports the affects that siblings have or personalities and relationships is overwhelming.

According to Cane, the first-born child tends to be dominant, conservative, supportive of the status quo and is probably religious. After introducing the topic of birth order, Cane proceeded to break down specific birth orders and their effects.

Older brother of brothers

This includes Mick Jagger, Bill Clinton and Hugh Hefner. The older brother of brothers is a natural born leader with the capability to guide others. He is also very good with words. The older brother of brothers is the dominating force and likes to make the decisions when it comes to relationships. Careers for him typically include surgeon, minister, teacher and judge.

Older sister of sisters

This includes Nicole Kidman and Jackie Kennedy. Like the older brother of brothers, the older sister of sisters likes to be in charge, but she also takes care of and looks out for herself. She has terrific relationships with older male professionals and also enjoy careers that involve reporting to men and having a high respect for them. Other careers include teacher, head nurse and editor-in-chief.

Younger brother of brothers

This includes Paul Newman and Dustin Hoffman. He is easy-going, friendly, approachable, creative and daring. The younger brother of brothers tends to engage in dangerous sports. Careers include artist, writer, musician and salesman.

Younger sister of sisters

This includes Katie Couric and Barbara Walters. The younger sister of sisters is described as friendly, imaginative, easily distracted and the most flirtatious of all the siblings. She is also interested in finances and money is important to her. Careers include artist, secretary, dentist, fashion designer and TV announcer.

Older sister of brothers

This includes Meryl Streep and Hilary Clinton. She is described as an alpha male because she is a leader and tends to be dominant. She has a natural ability to take care of people and is motherly. Careers include publicist, social workers and pediatricians.

Older brother of sisters

This includes Albert Einstein and Steven Spielberg. He knows a lot about woman and likes to take care of them. The older brother of sisters is also very romantic. Careers include architect, scientist and physician.

Younger brother of sisters

This includes Marlon Brando and Johnny Depp. He tends to be a magnet to women. He has a very sweet personality. Because the younger brother of sisters is artistic and creative, he tends to choose careers that allow him to express those qualities.

Younger sister of brothers

This includes Audrey Hepburn and Shirley Temple. She is a magnet to men. The younger sister of brothers has multiple interests and, as a result, has the least defined career path of the other siblings.

As the program progressed, Cane touched upon only children and twins as well. Audience members found the program to be fun, humorous and were interested in the topic.

SAC Lunchtime and Lectures Chair, Justin W.R. Smith said, “It was a very interesting program. I learned that my annoying brothers and sisters have more of an impact on me than just being annoying.”

Anna Moronski is a fourth-year student majoring in communication studies with a minor in Journalism. She can be reached at

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