Sat. May 4th, 2024

There are many pros and cons to almost anything in life. The newest debate is about electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigs. An e-cigarette is an electronic battery powered device filled with a liquid nicotine that is dissolved in water. Many of these electronic devices look exactly like a cigarette: the same shape, the brown colored filter, and a red glowing tip. Others take on a different look. Either way, when one takes a puff on an e-cig, the battery heats up the nicotine, which creates a vapor that is inhaled into the lungs, giving the sensation of smoking, without a cigarette.
There are many pros to purchasing such a device if you are trying to quit smoking. You can smoke an e-cigarette almost anywhere. Because there is no smell, and no ash, it does not offend anyone, and therefore, you are able to smoke it where you please. While e-cigs can be a couple more dollars than an actual pack of cigarettes, they are designed to help you quit and save money in the long run.
Unfortunately, e-cigarettes lack proper labeling for disposal and health regulations, and a leaking e-cig can be toxic. Also, there are many other chemicals in these devices, and even though it is water vapor, you are still inhaling smoke, which is not good for your lungs. Since the e-cig can be smoked anywhere anytime, there is the chance of smoking it more times a day, further affecting your health.
If you are interested in quitting cigarettes, do what you feel is best for you. If you decide to try the e-cig, then make sure you consult a doctor or do your homework to check out all of the pros and cons, and decide which kind would be best for you. There are many forms of support to help quit smoking! You just have to go out there and find them, and stay strong!
Alyssa Cappola is a third-year student majoring in marketing. She can be reached at

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