Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Who has the Golden Ticket? West Chester University has the Golden Ticket!That is, WCU has the new 2009-2010 SGA Board, also known as “The Golden Ticket” while running for their positions in the latter part of the past spring semester.

The president of “The Golden Ticket” is Anthony Dijiacamo. He is joined by his executive board, comprised of vice president Lauren Prudenti, secretary Meghan Dun, treasurer Matt South, parlimentarian Paul Tamke and student trustee Richard Miller, Jr.

The new SGA board has already put together many ideas for campus improvement over the following year.

One of Dijiacamo’s main goals for the year is to be more proactive about solving issues. Tamke added that he wants to “be more available to students.”

As Dijiacamo comes into office formally, the executive board, especially student trustee Miller, has been working with him to “improve the image of the University in both the community and nationally and to bolster sports.”

Miller also says the SGA website will feature a suggestion box for students to share their thoughts on how things are going around campus.

“He is very receptive to things,” said Miller.

The president also heads the Counsel of Trustees, which is what Miller represents on the executive board.

Along with advertising events on the SGA website, the executive board is starting to utilize Facebook as a means of reaching out to students.

“We go to Camp Saginaw,” said Prudenti, which has proven an effective way to show freshmen how to get involved.

“The biggest thing is that groups need to advertise,” said Dun.

On the topic of upcoming events, Prudenti says that she would “like to increase unity in students.

“It doesn’t matter the race, major, or affiliation,” she said.

Their most recent event was the car show on Sept. 27 in which all proceeds went to Camp Dreamcatcher, the philanthropy of all the Greek organizations on campus.

One thing Tamke wants to leave behind at the end of the year is “a well functioning Senate and having the Senators go out into the campus.”

Tamke wishes for the Golden Ticket to be remembered as the SGA board who was there during the transition of campus presidents.

Prudenti also hinted that a surprise event is coming up next semester, and to keep updated, students should keep an eye out for flyers and announcements on Facebook.

In order to get involved in the Student Government Association, students should atttend the Tuesday night meetings in Sykes Student Union.

The SGA senate is made of 50 members, and all students across campus are welcome to join committees or run to serve in the senate.

Students are also encouraged to attend the SGA meetings to stay updated with campus happenings and provide their own input.

Tara Tanzos contributed to this article.

Margaret Weaver is a second-year student majoring in English. She can be reached at

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