Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Dr. Donald Barr, Dean of the School of Health Sciences, summed it up best when he said, “there you have it, some of our best and brightest.” A total of 64 West Chester students were recognized as 2003-2004 recipients of the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. The recipients filed on stage in a ceremony on March 22.The awards program, hosted by Diane DeVestern, assistant vice president for Student Affairs, included a welcome from Dr. Madeleine Wing Adler, university president. Adler asked the recipients, “In 20 years, what will your contributions be?” Dr. Matthew Bricketto, vice president for Student Affairs, echoed this sentiment by saying, “There is no turning back. You are expected to continue your progression as a leader… the world needs West Chester University’s Who’s Who recipients now more than ever.” Bricketto reminded the students of the “six pack for success” that they were taught during freshman orientation and congratulated them for taking full advantage of these tools. He ended by assuring everyone in attendance that “the best is yet to come” and “you ain’t seen nothing yet” from the recipients.

DeVestern continued the ceremony by explaining the process in which the recipients are chosen each year. Faculty and staff are welcome to nominate students beginning in October. This year, 88 students were nominated. Based on academic accomplishments, as well as community service, campus involvement, and leadership experience, the nominees were narrowed down by an anonymous committee, which was recognized at the ceremony.

Bree Simmons, a 2002-2003 recipient reflected upon her experiences and gave the current recipients words of encouragement. Simmons remembered looking at the list of fellow students receiving the award in awe that she was included as one of them. “All of us are movers and shakers at this university,” Simmons asserted, “you have proven yourselves to be the best of the best.”

Students Nichole Best and Andrea Knabb performed the musical selections for the program, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and “Any Place I Hang my Hat is Home.”

The dean from each school called the recipients from their departments onto the stage, where they received a certificate and a red carnation.

After the ceremony, the recipients and their friends and families were invited to a reception. All of the present recipients gathered for a group picture on the stairs in Sykes Student Union. As Bricketto quoted, “Leadership, like beauty, is hard to describe, but you know it when you see it.

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