Thu. May 2nd, 2024

To The Editor:

I was very much intrigued by the October 29 front page article about handicapped parking and appreciate the Quad bringing attention to this situation. I wish, however, the Quad article would have gone further. While it nicely addressed the issue of non-handicapped people parking in handicapped spots and how handicapped people (who do not have the proper placard) should go about obtaining the ADA placard, it did not address several other important issues associated with handicapped parking at WCU.

There are actually a limited number of handicapped spots on campus, and not all are located conveniently so as to provide easy access for the handicapped. Since AY 2000-01, for example, the university removed the two handicapped spots in the Philips parking lot and removed one of two spots in the Main Hall “loading zone” (replacing it with a dumpster). During construction on the new Music building, the two handicapped spots near the upper entrance of the Bull Center were temporarily placed out-of-service when they were used as resting places for more dumpsters. The same was sometimes true of several of the handicapped spaces in the Bull parking lot (behind the president’s residence). Any number of times as well, most recently between the library and the old library, construction vehicles partially obscure or crowd places reserved for the handicapped, not to mention the occasional university vehicle taking up a handicapped parking space.

What kind of message is WCU sending to handicapped faculty, students, and visitors?

Wayne Hanley

To the Editor:

My boyfriend is currently serving in the National Guard, which was recently deployed to Afghanistan. Although I am not necessarily a supporter of the war, I do stand behind my boyfriend and all the soldiers fighting for our freedom 100%. I have, or should say had, an “I love my soldier” magnet placed on the back of my car, until last night. As we all know Thursdays can be troublesome here at WCU, yet I remain astounded at the fact that someone would go as far as to steal the magnet. I should not have to say this is not merely about the loss of a magnet, but the symbolism behind the act. I question the fact why someone would have such a disregard for others. We are united as a campus, and should be supportive of other students and faculty. I ask this person, do you not have pride in your hearts for others fighting for your freedom?

Lauren Prudenti

Second-year student

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