Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Ever sit down for dinner after a long day at work or school and the phone rings again and again from different organizations asking you for money or donations? Many of us find this a frustrating experience, but the next time the phone rings, don’t hang up so soon Listen a little closer because that voice on the phone may be someone you know and the money they are asking for may benefi t you and your education. Wondering what this is? The WCU Phone-A-Thon, which is run each semester, (this semester from Jan. 20 through April), helps to raise money for many scholarships and programs on campus that would not get the money needed without it. The donations placed during the Phone-A-Thon help to keep these programs running. Asstistant Director of Annual Giving,Linda Chambers, commented on the fundraising saying, “[the] fundraising we do is to insure that the university continues to improve.” Without the donations, the scholarships and programs would not get all the money that they need.

Chambers said that the Parent’s Fund (of current students) is one organization that helps to get a lot of donations that benefit students, which include things on campus that students can see and use, such as the blue emergency lights and some computers in the residence halls. The calls made for the Phone-A-Thon are made from an on-campus location with students. Some of the students are employed by the Phone-A-Thon, and others work as volunteers for a particular organization or sport. Chambers mentioned that, “tuition does not cover cost of educating a student.” The rest of the money comes from the state as well as through donations.

Last year’s Phone-A-Thon raised $194,000; this year’s goal is $220,000 and should be able to be attained through the hard work of many people calling. So, the next time you are sitting down and the phone rings, remember that the call may be benefi ting you and your education. As Chambers emphasized, “We fundraise to enhance the students’ experience here.

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