To whom it may concern,
It was brought to my attention that an article was published entitled “WCU’s EMTs are becoming negligent”. I am deeply saddened and embarrassed for the ambulance company for the lies and misleading information printed in the article. It seems as though the author of this article, Anthony Maalouf published this article to gain attention to himself using made up information to make the story sound better. Not only did he make up a story but he put the wrong company name. The company involved is Good Fellowship Ambulance. He printed Goodwill fellowship ambulance in the article. Goodwill fire company, of West Chester PA now has there great reputation of pride and respect for its community tarnished because of some idiot writer making up false statements and printing a name that was false. I personally hope that charges are filed against Mr. Maalouf and the WCU Paper “The Quad”. I would strongly hope you would ensure that Mr. Maalouf never writes for this paper again, I would also like to see and apology in your next paper both to Good Fellowship Ambulance, for the false allegations, to Goodwill Fire Company, for printing their name when they weren’t even involved, as well as the over 200 dedicated members of the emergency service in West Chester that volunteer to serve there community with great dedication and respect. Mr. Maalouf deeply embarrassed us in front of our community with made up lies and false allegations.